Hopfish Brewing is a brewpub-in-planning, with an eye towards setting up shop in the bustling downtown New Bedford bar/restaurant scene. We are actively seeking investors to join us in this experiment in locally brewed beer, so if you want to be part of the adventure, learn more and get in touch with us at info@hopfishbrewing.com.
We are deep believers in sustainability and investing and shopping locally, and see the greater New Bedford area as both our market AND our suppliers. As such, we intend to source as much locally-grown raw materials as possible. We are also big believers in corporate social responsibility, which is a fancy term for treating employees like you’d want to be treated. We intend to offer employees ownership stakes after a certain amount of time, and firmly believe that this sense of ownership will help our employees deliver a top-notch dining and drinking experience for our guests.
Our Founder/Brewer
Nate has been brewing for over a decade, and enjoying craft beers even longer than that. He loves seeking out new brews and has a minor brewpub addiction. Nate runs, bikes, does yoga, and plays soccer to try to keep his beer addiction from expanding his waist line TOO much.
Contact Nate @ nate@hopfishbrewing.com.