SRM Defined – The color of your beer

srm_verticalSRM, or Standard Reference Method, is the primary way we measure/define beer color. The chart to the right gives rough approximations as to the expected color at various degrees.

Below are a pair of charts that further explain what to expect:

Color and SRM
Straw: 2-3
Yellow: 3-4
Gold: 5-6
Amber: 6-9
Deep amber/light copper: 10-14
Copper: 14-17
Deep copper/light brown: 17-18
Brown: 19-22
Ruby Brown: 22-30
Deep Brown: 30-35
Black, opaque: 40+
Styles and SRM
American Light Lager: 2-3
Witbier, Berliner Weisse: 2-4
Pilsner: 2-7
Belgian Strong: 4-7
English Golden Ale: 4-8
Bavarian Weizen: 4-10
Maibock: 4-10
Oktoberfest: 4-12
Pale Ale: 5-14
IPA: 6-15
Vienna Lager: 7-14
Marzen: 7-15
California Common: 10-14
Amber: 11-18
Brown: 12-22
Bock: 15-30
Baltic Porter: 17-40
Porter: 20-40
Oatmeal Stout: 25-40
Foreign Stout: 30-65
Imperial Stout: 50-80

SRM is derived from a color scheme devised by Joseph Lovibond in the late 19th century. The Lovibond Scale was like a stereoscope with different colored glasses that were held next to the beer to determine the color. SRM follows the Lovibond Scale exactly, so sometimes you’ll also see SRM called “Degrees Lovibond.” The two terms are interchangeable.

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